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Dropping off your Vehicle

You can still come by and drop your keys off using our envelope/key-drop setup, same as before.

We suggest that you fill out our form before you come to the shop and drop it off with your keys.


Here’s what to do:

  1. Download the form to your computer by right-clicking here and choosing “Save Link As” or “Save Target As”

  2. Then, using Acrobat Reader on your computer, open the form. If you do, you’ll find you can TYPE IN your information instead of handwriting it, which is easier for you and easier for us to read. (Depending on how your computer is set up, you might be able to type directly from your browser’s window. If not, use Acrobat Reader to permit you to type into the fields.)

  3. Fill in the fields, print it out.

  4. Bring it with you to our shop, grab an envelope from our mailbox and stuff the form in the envelope with your keys.

Why fill out the form at home?

Some people don’t like filling out our form sitting in the parking lot. Even though there is some lighting, you might be more comfortable giving us your valuable information from the comfort of your own home. In addition, the PDF form gives you more room to explain your car’s problems to us. So give it a try!



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